
Sunday, July 18, 2010


As I'm walking down the hall of my church with Kayla, I see a guy who I know some interesting info about and this is how the conversation went.
Kelli: "See that guy up there. Josh told me that his is an MMA fighter. Cool, huh?"
Kayla: " Wait....did you just say an MMA fighter?"
Kelli: "Yeah. What did you think I said?"
Kayla: "Oh- I thought you said he was an Anime fighter."

Well----I thought it was funny.


Kelli and Derek Hill said...

haha!!! remember a certain anime book that I got- don't remember how- and how we violated it and got in trouble from a certain someone? hahaha!

Kasi Lee said...

LOVE this! Couldn't stop laughing--and you know that I have been laughing a lot these days!

Whitney said...

Kel! Found your blog. I'm adding you guys to my list. Keep in touch! Hope life is good. And can I just tell you again... I'm so happy you're a Cooper too:)