
Saturday, October 3, 2009

Just a recommendation...

Having graduated in English, I get exposed to great book after great book. So, when I read a book I enjoy, I just write a review about it on my account. However, every once in a while, I come across a book that just makes me freak out. This morning, I just finished The Hunger Games by Suzane Collins, and I couldn't even breathe! Seriously. The book kept me so captivated that I finished the last few pages barely able to breathe! If you want a book to read, pick this up. Truly amazing!!!! I've got the next in the series coming in the mail and I just hope that I can make it until it gets here!


The Stewart said...

Totally love that book!! And Catching Fire i just as amazing!! Now I can't wait for the 3rd one to come out.

Kelli and Derek Hill said...

haha i could not put this book down.

Kasi Lee said...

Oh, Kelli! Isn't it ridiculously good. I just started the second one here in Colorado, and I just want to stay in the hotel room all day long and read. It is already getting pretty crazy! I love you and love how much you love to read!

Kellie Henry said...

Hey Kelli!!! How the heck are you doing? Looks like I have to read the book, I was looking for a good one!