
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Boys will be boys....

After lunch, two of my students (both boys) came in late to class.  They were out of breath, and had to explain in front of the whole class why there were late.  Wanting to break their friend's record of 10 consecutive drives around the town's only round-about they had decided at lunch to make it happen.  Well, they beat it alright.  Arriving at around 12:30, the students spent 30 minutes circling the round- 102 times!!!!!! Seriously???? Oh- to be young again and have fruitless ambitions. {If Josh read this----he would probably remind me about all of my fruitless ambitions: the fact that I answer book trivia on Goodreads because I'm hoping by the 2000th question, I'll have my percentage of questions answered correctly above 50% without skipping questions or cheating; the fact that I pick a new career everyday that I want to pursue in addition to being a teacher; the fact that I enjoy counting my scarves and cardigans, as if I am going to one day be able to show them off to a national audience on an episode of MTV Cribs.}  What can I say?  We are all a little crazy!

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

That sounds like something Josh and Klay would have done in high school! I never had ANY run ins with the police until I started hanging out with them. Then it became a weekly occurrence! I'm sure you are the most awesome teacher ever!